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Published: 2020-06-01 10:01:37.759415 Category: People Type: Photo Model release: Yes

Adult daughter comforting old mom strokes holds her hand close up view. Strong connection confidential conversation, empathy and mercy, support in hard life period, be near sharing heart pain concept

Contributor: fizkes
ID : 354252689


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older, mature, senior, middle, aged, old, adult, retired, alzheimer, arm, bonding, mother, cancer, care, empathy, consoling, comforting, compassion, disease, daughter, confidential, talk, conversation, family, appreciate, closeup, concept, generation, granddaughter, grandmother, grandparent, hand, health, health care, help, woman, warm, 2, understanding, share, support, human relationships, psychological, problem, protection, people, holding, kindness, life, love