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data transfer concept, internet server connection Notebooks file transfer. Data transmission, ftp files receiver and notebook computer backup copy. Document sharing vector concept Transfer and storage of data sets/Data transmission channel. Motion of digital data flow. Transferring of big data. Virtual data transfer in network and internet file transfer concept, backup data, document save on storage, technology cloud, upload and download, flat illustration vector template Transfer data to a server or hosting service.Data transfer concept.FTP(File Transfer Protocol). File sharing isometric. File transfer infographic template with two laptops and transferred documents through the cloud service. Modern flat illustration. Notebooks file transfer. Concept of information exchange Freelancer making online purchases during work Data technology background. Big data visualization. Flow of data. Information code. Background in a matrix style. 4k rendering. Hand touch on document for Send of document on internet. Data transfer, Transfer file of data between folder, Backup data, Exchange of file on folder,  DMS. Virtual document loading to another folder. Digital cyberspace and data network connections. Transfer digital data high-speed internet. Technology digital data in the future background concept.